Mouth Guard

People wear mouth guards for all different reasons. Essentially is it a removable plastic piece that helps prevent shifting, grinding, or destruction of teeth.

For patients who have just finished Invisalign or braces, they will need to wear a retainer to keep their teeth from shifting out of place. As you get older your teeth start to shift as well. To prevent your teeth from shifting any further, some elderly patients wear retainers as well.

Grinding or bruxing while sleeping is a common occurrence. It may lead to TMJ or severe soreness. A night guard might be the best solution for you to help prevent the grinding down of your natural teeth. Instead, the night guard will be in place and you will grind on that. In some cases it will alleviate the amount of grinding.

Sports and protection mouth pieces are very important while playing sports such as football, hockey, basketball, wrestling, etc.. They can help with the prevention of chipped and cracked teeth.

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