
Invisalign is a series of plastic dental appliances for straightening your teeth without the need of traditional braces. In most cases, the time of treatment is cut in half compared to traditional wire braces. When you go to a Dentist they will take study models of your teeth to determine if Invisalign is right for you. If it is, then your model is analyzed by the Dr. and sent to Invisalign. The software then calculates a plan in which the Dr. and patient approves or makes adjustments. Once you are happy with the final results, the aligners will be made.

Once we receive the aligners, the patient will be scheduled for delivery. Every month the Dr. will check your teeth to observe the progress and to determine if any adjustments are needed and if the patient is compliant. Aligners are to be worn 24/7 except when eating and brushing.

Stop by for Dr. Hernandez to take study model impressions and go over any other questions you may have. See if you are an Invisalign candidate today!
