
In todays world, implants are the ideal modality for replacing teeth, although you do still have the option of a bridge, partial denture, or denture. When coming into our office, Dr. H will discuss whether you are a candidate for an implant or not. What he is looking for is: patients health, sound bone, and good oral hygiene. Most of the time he requires a CT scan, which is a 3D image of the area in question. This helps him determine the bone quality, amount of bone, and surrounding anatomical structures. If there is a lack of bone, he can do a bone graft at the time of the implant placement or months before.

Once he has determined you are a good candidate for an implant, the Dr. will go over the procedure and schedule according the number of implants that are to be placed. The procedure typically takes 45 minutes to 1 hour, but every case may vary.

Implant integration typically takes up to 4 months on the upper arch, and 3 months on the lower arch. Some patients may heal faster or slower, depending on their health and hygiene. Once we have osseous integration, impressions will be taken to fabricate custom abutments and crowns.

For a consultation, call today!
